I'm building on a diorama of a little village in Normandi.
I've been in Normandi this summer, so I've got quit enough ideas

This is my fourth diorama, though mu first one with real buildings.
The diorama is going to by a crossroad, With a little wine store, and on the other side a little garden wall.
A big part of te house is all ready done, I've got some pictures.
The gray is going to be plaster-yellow
Though I'm going to wait for my new airbrush, It's shipped, It's going to arrive any day now.
I've alreaddy started on the roof,
Its pink cuase i've been using white glue but Ive aplied it with a brush who had a littlle red paint on it
this I'm also waiting on my Paashe H to piant it.
Offcourse the store can't stay empty, so i made som furniture.
The closest thing is a display wich comes in front of the window, There are coming some wine crates on it.
The other chest is a for wine bottles solt sepertly, its coming exainst the wall
These are the floors, the one wich is been broken of is the top floor offcourse.
Theseare some haches for next to window, pehaps i drop one of them in the ruin on the floor...
That's what i have so far.
Soon more cause I'v started on the roads
BTW: I'm from belguim and still at school, I hope my Englisch is good enough?
Grtz. Eli