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Stuck in new concept idea, any suggestions?
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Antwerpen, Belgium
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Posted: Thursday, September 25, 2003 - 05:04 AM UTC
A few months ago I started a topic about making a interactive shadowbox by using a piece of a real rifle.


Well I started with making some cardboard mock-ups and after a while I had to conclude that that idea, how good it may sounded was not feasible. The box would be so heavy (to compensate for the weight of the rifle butt) and big in comparison to the scene that the scene became ridicules.

So that idea is in the freezer in this form (maybe without the rifle butt?)

So, I am stuck with a rifle piece and I cannot let it go to waist :-) so what to do with it??

Well here are some pictures of the rifle butt.

On the top where the barrel is supposed to be there is a groove of 3 cm wide, 1,5 cm deep and about 26 cm long.

I was thinking of making a contraption holding the rifle butt horizontal and putting a scene in the groove directly.

I was thinking of putting a concealed sniper in there, but to be honest I am stuck in the concept, the idea is there but I can’t visualize it, so I was thinking, what do you think of the idea and what would you do?

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Donegal, Ireland
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Posted: Thursday, September 25, 2003 - 05:21 AM UTC
A wall mounted base for a group of soldiers.

The gun could be fixed to the wall as it is and some soldiers walking over the top. Some ropes and ladders helping their journey over the contours of the gun. Something like the small soldiers PC game!!

Either that get some metal tubing and re-model the gun back to its former glory and hang it on the wall. With some reference photo you could easily model the gadjets that are the guns firing mechanism out of plastic, paint it up and you have a lovely rifle!!
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North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Thursday, September 25, 2003 - 05:55 AM UTC
I was thinking that you could easily do a prone figure at a shooting range during practice. You could take the sharp shooter (if there is such a thing) award/pin (sorry if I have the names incorrect) and place it on the stock. Make it a story of a lone figure putting in extra time to achieve a high status.
Put the figure at the end where the bold action goes and put a target at the barrel end.
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Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Thursday, September 25, 2003 - 06:18 AM UTC
Shifting gears...the rifle stock could be modified to accept a tripod screw and a release cable run trough the trigger guard to make a very stable platform for a camera with a long telephoto lens.
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Texas, United States
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Posted: Saturday, September 27, 2003 - 07:14 PM UTC
How about placing a long thin base on top of the stock, and building a scene (soldiers marching?). The Stock could then be used as the overall base, and attached to the wall.

It makes sense in my mind, but may not sound "feasible" when put into words... but I'm sure it would work if you like the idea!
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Antwerpen, Belgium
Joined: June 09, 2002
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Posted: Saturday, September 27, 2003 - 09:04 PM UTC
Tnx for the reply's fellows.

But this morning while taking a shower the inspiration hit me.

Somehow I have gotten the melody from Full Metal Jacket in my head, even it is ages that I have seen the movie and the Phrase "I want to be your drill-inspector" popped in my head.

So here is a sketch of the idea, sorry for the bad drawing, I am no sketch artist, never been and never will.

But what do you think?

Remember the working area is 3cm wide and 26 cm long.

It depicts a drill scene of a soldier who has just crawled out of a ditch with mud and barb wire and is ready to drive his bayonet into a puppet, after that he has to climb a wall, meanwhile his drill sergeant is watching him.

I am not to happy with the position of the drill sergeant, but because of the limited room this is the only place.

As a title I have 3 possibilities

I want to be your drill inspector
Prepare to die
For land and glory

Comments are welcome.
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North Carolina, United States
Joined: February 22, 2002
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Posted: Sunday, September 28, 2003 - 12:55 AM UTC
That works! I like it a lot, the idea is very linear and works with the base. As Keith said you can add a piece of wood to the top and widen the work area a bit. Wouldn't do too much though.
If you want to do more sculpting you can put the DI in a pose where he is 'in his face' or correcting something. This will give him reason to be so close.

Looks good - I like the whole concept.
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European Union
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Posted: Sunday, September 28, 2003 - 02:34 AM UTC
Or put a soldier at the business end of the gun (in a box ? ) so you see him when you trigger the gun. You could put Osama in there, or Adolf Hitler, (of die kerel wiens naam ik hier niet wil vernoemen die op een haar de laatste verkiezingen gewonnen had en die zowat met heel de wereld ambras heeft) or Saddam - or all of them in a group lineup ?

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Wisconsin, United States
Joined: September 01, 2002
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Posted: Sunday, September 28, 2003 - 12:41 PM UTC
Would it be possible to have a group of soldiers just marching down a road? I think that it would look pretty cool.

~Chip :-)
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United States
Joined: September 19, 2003
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Posted: Sunday, September 28, 2003 - 02:46 PM UTC
Have to give you a big thumbs up on a new concept for your Dio, I like it!