Nice kit, allready bought the 37 mm version of this type.
Verry cool kit

Highly recommended, nice details.
Although, this is (how you look at it) an other sdkfz 7...
Big difference is the vierling gun type... and notthing more compaired to the 37 mm type.
You also can buy the fierling type gun seperately, and the sdkfz 7 37mm kit, then make the fierling fit the sdkfz 7 37mm flatbed with some scratchbuild techniques

Its nice to buy it all in one kit, but its not a vital new thing that we can not make ourselfs with a combination of separate kit already available on the market now...
Don't get me wrong, i like this series, but a new 231 or 265 funkwagen is more orginal vehicle to produce today...
My opinion;
Verry nice kit, but not a vital model we really cannot make with available kits today on the market...