Whilst its good to see DML having a stab at a Churchill, I wish they would do it well.
From the CAD (which may or may not be indicative of the final product):
The taller ariel mount is overscale by some margin
the commanders haches are the wrong shape
the apperture in the commanders cuppola looks too small
Commanders sight vane is the wrong shape or possibly just upside down on the CAD
The 6pdr barrel looks way too fat at the breech end
The outer detail on the Sprocket is too flat
open hatches but no inner detail? surely it couldn't be that hard to mould a pad on the inside of the hatch?
there are a number of other details missing but hey, this is 1/72!
A good base for a decent model with some remedial work, and no doubt a very good basis for scratchbuilt AM conversions
Good job they didn't let the guy that did the box art design the kit, he's managed to pair the bottom half of a MkVII turret with the top half of a MkIV turret on a MKIV Hull
One very strange thing though, I notice it has exactly the same features as the AFV Club 1/35 version; ie a late gun on an early turret etc. Strange that two different companies both picked the same uncommon configuration.........