Alright Dave!
Glad you've finally taken the wrapper off the box and started cutting sprues...
You know, now that you've turned to the "dark side," if you don't make steady progress, Frau Blucher will have to start crackin' her whip
Seriously, though, I haven't had any luck trying to pin down the barrel type on ol' #112.
In the absence of any other information (chasis number, production date, or other photos), maybe you can check your references and make a count on the barrel types of the other Jagdpanthers in 1st company. I would suspect that they were all delivered more or less at the same time which suggests a narrow production window which further suggests significant commonality in their features.
It might turn out that you can ID both types of barrels on the company's vehicles, in which case I'd say you're good to go with the kit barrel.
For anyone interested, here's the link to our club's group-build page with photos of our Panthers in-progress:
AMPS Central SC Group-Build & Demos Page See ya later,