A VERY good Review.
I think your percentage was spot on - just going by the pretty heavy detail on the model. I was (sort of) complaining in a recent Review I wrote about the windscreen wipers being moulded onto the windscreeen, that's one thing in 1/35th, quite another when they are so basic in 1/20th...
It's got a lot of possibilities for super-detailing, but it seems crazy to have to replace items like the grab-handles on the side - Fine-Molds should have done them properly in the first place. It's a damned site easier doing details like this in 1/20th when you can approach 'Scale' than in any smaller scale
Good Review, but, at the end of the day, a Review is only as good as what's being offered, so yes, your punctuation was spot-on - it looks like a little disappointing release - particularly looking at other softskin models in 1/35th...