I have one of these (actually, I wound up with a few Renegades!) and it is, for me, the finest airbrush I've owned.
I've always preferred Thayer and Chandler airbrushes. I owned a model C and a model 100. They finally came out with the Vega, which was revolutionary! I purchased one of the first ones with the screw-style jars (as opposed to the friction fit.) After that, they came out with the Omni airbrush. Then they were bought by Badger.
The Krome is patterned off the Omni airbrush. It has very similar parts, but a better needle chuck that couples the air valve (the trigger.) As opposed to the Velocity, which has a round-bottomed cup, this one is tapered. It also has the Renegade-style tips with a teflon bushing to guide the needle to the center of the tip.
I purchased a Renegade Velocity when they first came out and I could paint 1/35 figures, shade their faces, with that airbrush! It WILL paint down to a hairline.
I purchased mine through MidTenn Hobbies. I understand they were resonsible for the airbrush. It has a little dial on the needle regualtor so you can remember what setting you set the needle stop at. You can use the cap with the two prongs (which protect the needle) or it includes the regular cap which allows you to get up close. You have to be mindful of the needle with this cap.
The Krome includes the Velocity needle and tip, and the Rage needle and tip, which is a little larger. You cannot dowse a model down with this airbrush, it is definitely for detail work! But I couldn't believe the control and fine lines I got with it.
You can get these for just over $100, it's a better buy than an Iwata, and it comes in a cool case!
My opinion, hope someone else has tried one!
Bill B.