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Photoetch tracks you couldn't pay me enough to put a set of them together LOL!
If you look closely at the photo for the track set, note that the assembled "run" of tracks shown by the fret is eight links - in other words, the product of a single fret. Also that the pictured LVT-4 still has the vinyl tracks fitted. In other words, even Voyager weren't up to assembling a full set - they probably had to drag the guy who put together that single fret (how many dozen tiny PE bolts to make up eight links?) off for a stay in a rubber room somewhere, where he still wakes screaming at nights, "The tracks, the nightmarish tracks, keep them away from me!"
Note that these aren't the first 1/35th PE tracks on the market - Aber did a set for the BT-5 that, while no sane person would build them, look trivial compared to these.