Thank's for the help. I don't think I have bean as specific as I should have bean. Heavy cought on to what I was asking about, when it came to the rear steering mechanism.
Now Brians photos will help when I start work on the concrete mixer module as well as othere modules. SO thank's and I have copyed them all.
18Bravo's link is helpful but I'm going to have to take some time and look through every link to find just what I'm lookinmg for. Love the cab armor plate diogram!
Now to what "Heavy" stated: About the third "rear" axle using a rear steering gear box and steering arm. Good News a friend sent me photo's of just what it looks like an where it's mounted. Truly helpful.
"Heavy" stated: The third axle is connected with another half leaf spring and bellos, just as it is on a M1070 HETS.
I knew some of that as I had a diogram showing it. Thanks "Heavy"
All that info was helpful but seeing that I was not as specific as I should have bean. Here's a quick line drawing or diogram showing the first of the three axles, that I need suspension info on. You guys have help me with the last to axles.
Now I know that this first axle uses two large suspension bars of some type, an airbags( or an air bellows suspension) I just don't know what it look's like. An before any one try's to tell me what it looks like., remember I not in the military.
An Military suspension application differ from civilian applications. ((In a big WAY))!
So I need to see photos', so I can build it right. Like I did on my M1 ABV project.
Thank's for the photos' and the help it's much appreciated.