Its disappointing to read about the soft details in places. The 85% score these days seems very average which is a shame because I love this tank and the Dragon kit is very expensive
I am just wondering where you got your info from re the bolts etc? If references are so rare how do you know the bolts are incorrect for this tank? With only 5 of these built each one of them was probably different.
Not trying to be critical of the review but we need some backup for statements that something is wrong with a kit.
Are those Model Kasten tracks included? They seem the right colour...
Posted: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 - 02:58 AM UTC
Hi There,
Well about the details. I have found a blueprint on the net for this tank. Not the one you will find if you type neubaufahrzeug on google. I have to look for it again.
About the tracks. These are not the on from Modelkasten. It is the same principle but manufactured by trumpeter.
Thanks for an interesting review. I didn't know that dragon released one of these!?!?!? Anyway - I have only seen this on photographs, and I think that this could be an interesting build.
Posted: Thursday, December 29, 2016 - 09:12 AM UTC
Can anyone tell me how this kit stacks-up against the Dragon offerings? I'm really not too concerned about the price-point, but rather which is REALLY better.
Georgia, United States Joined: July 26, 2013
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