Its just a wire strike prevention system. This is a picture from Iraq, from the base I was on! I actually recognize that vehicle. The chicken wire was to prevent grenades from getting stuck in between the MEAP armor and the body of the vehicle. The wire mitigation kits ( the techy name for them) were usually home made, as I suspect this was. The one on my PARTICULAR gun truck was made of 2x4 s attached to the vehicle, with 1in flexible PVC piping. They made a gentle arc from the front bumper to the back of the vehicle and termiated horizontally.... like this!
Mugging up at FOB Hammer, Eastern Iraq in the middle of NOWHERE!
As a matter of reference, EVERY vehicle I saw just about that was used for convoy security or troop movements, carried a few things common. They all had either a backboard or two, or prebuilt talon stretchers. They almost all had half a dozen orange traffic cones, a couple of rolls of concertina wire, and about 4 Jerry cans. Two with water and two with diesel. EVERY vehicle had either a heavy duty towbar strapped to the front bumper, or tank cables strung on the side or somewhere easily accessible. Most turrets had either hard armor or some form of overhead cover. This was my observations in 2009-2010 in the greater Bagdhad area.