Behold, The T-34/105! Hey, if the Israelis did it to the Sherman, why not do the same for the T-34?

Actually, there's a "background story" I concocted for this particular project, but it's in the office computer so I'll post it on a later date. For now...
... the T-34/105 is, as the name suggests, a T-34 with a 105mm gun. Again, I&SW up-gunned and up-armored a decent kit to make yet another monster. In this case, the 105mm gun is the venerable British L7 105mm rifled used in the M60 series. The gun came from Academy's M60A1 with Dozer Blade kit. The T-34/85 is by Tamiya and was around 90% complete and given a pre-coat of flat black many many months ago (almost a year) when it eventually got placed in the shelf gathering dust due to neglect.

The Isherman inspired me to up-gun and up-armor the T-34/85 for the Twilight 2000 build. And so this is the result so far. There's still some work to do - e.g. FLIR, ERA, etc. but this is what it looks like right now. I started on 1st Oktyabr, local time, to coincide with the official start date of this campaign, considering that the base model is more-or-less complete and just needed a few modifications.
Here's some more pix of the monster. Apologies in advance for the grainy images.

The gun was slightly modified with the addition of a muzzle brake - probably from a Tiger I kit (because the muzzle came from the spares box). The 88mm bore of the muzzle brake looked almost just the same size as the 105mm, so I didn't enlarge it nor modified the muzzle brake anymore.