IŽd like to present to you one of my favourite works, the yugoslav M-84A tank, produced in the whole YU and widely used in the former JNA. I used the resin turret from Kirin as basic, and had a lot to do with reshaping and adding a lot of details. One of the main details are the 6 x 6 smoke dischargers, additional armor plate at the front glacis and a 2nd air filter at the rear of the chassis. The basic kit for the chassis was the Tamiya T-72M1 kit with track links from the ZvezdaŽs T-72A kit. I hope youŽll like it ?

P.S.: An accurate resin turret of the M-84 and M-84A tanks will be casted and released in early 2012 thru my brand "NK Patriota Models". YouŽll see the difference for sure when comparing with KIRIN.