Hi Mandrake,
I knew I had this lying around somewhere.

There are two final drive reclosure plugs, one in each final drive housing. Front centre is a hull drain plug which also gives access to the steering control differential sump drain plug. The large slightly off centre belly plate gives access to the differential QD's and the transmission filter and sump drain plug as well as the drain taps for the heat exchanger and coolant pipes plus the air box drain cup. Directly behind that is another hull drain plug which also gives access to the transfer gear case sump drain plug. The right rear is just a hull drain plug. All hull drain plugs are the same. The final drive reclosure plugs can have either a 3/4" square socket inset (most common) or a 15/16" bolt head (less common).
The hull drain plugs and belly plates use 3/4" bolts with the hull drain plugs being captive. The front plate and the belly plate are the same dimensions but not interchangeable as the belly plate bolts are recessed.
Cheers, John