Howdy Jay, the tank pictured inside the building does not have any Smoke Grenade Launchers mounted. If you have the Tamiya OIF M1A1/A2 kit it has both the US Army six shot and USMC 8 shot(as seen in the first picture). For the MCD cover use shoebox tissue paper soaked in white glue or some masking tape pieces CAed together. The four galvanized clevis hanging off the front I believe are in the Dragon #3535 M1A1 kit. They are used to secure the tank to the deck of any amphibious transport they are embarked on(LCAC, LPD,LST ect, ect). If they are not in the kit use some appropriate size solder and flatten the ends with pliers. So what are the "chips" you speak of?
Outta here, Mike sends . . .