Finished the 1st of my 110 Wolfs and it depicts a vehicle that has been worked hard and has had a good few knocks. The kit went together well and for the price is a great kit. painted with Tamiya paints and weathered with tamiya powders
Istanbul, Turkey / Türkçe Joined: December 05, 2007
KitMaker: 953 posts
Armorama: 705 posts
Posted: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - 10:33 PM UTC
Thank you chaps. I have enjoyed building this kit,Christophe i painted the kit and then fitted the windows so didnt use any masking. i must say Christophe that you Rover looks very nice as well.
New Jersey, United States Joined: January 09, 2011
KitMaker: 9 posts
Armorama: 8 posts
Posted: Thursday, November 17, 2011 - 12:08 AM UTC
Neil and Christophe, Nice work guys, both models look fantastic. After seeing your models I went and ordered one from my hobby shop, looking forward to starting it. Brian
Northern Ireland, United Kingdom Joined: October 04, 2006
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