Here is an example of how we can repeat the "Hairspray" technique several times to create a convincing base of rust & steel. This is the effect that will show through our base colors which will also be treated to the "Hairspray" technique.
We begin with a base color of NATO Black to show steel. We can use many different shades of grey to create a convincing steel look.

After sealing our base steal color with a laquer clear, several different rust tones from Tamiya have been applied.

The same process of sealing with a clear laquer, apply the desired color(s), & scrubing with warm water will be repeated several times to create a mottled rusty look.

When we have achieved a convincing rusty appearance, we can seal with clear laquer, apply a final layer of Hairspray, and move on to the top colors. Subtle "Color Modulation" -or- Lightening our base color to fade some panels can add some depth & visual interest. Keep in mind that at this point, we can further enhance the rusty look with oils, pigments, & enamels.

Once these top colors have been scrubed with warm water, a stiff brush, tooth brush, or tooth pic, we can more on to more conventional methods of weathering. Here, Chipping using the "mapping technique" has been applied & a panel wash was applied using a fine point brush and AK Interactive's "Streaking Grime"Enamel.

Any access can easily be cleaned away and the effect can be refined using "White Spirit" & a flat brush.

To add the the depth of the over all appearance and show exposure to the elements & maintanence, the same "Streaking Grime" is used to paint small uneaven streaks.

This effect can and should be refined using "White Spirit" & a chisel brush. Once the Enamel effect has been allowed to sit for 3 - 5 minutes, we can use a chisel humid with "White Spirit" to stump the streaking. This should be done moving in one pass and one dirrection at a time, cleaning the brush frequently. This will prevent us from moving the "Streaking Effects' from one place to the other.

The final effect of these few simple steps can give us a pleasant and convincing look!

I hope you guys will forgive the subject....this shell has been used for tests. However, the possibilities with Trains is endless & very fun!