M26 Dragon Wagon + M26A1 Dragon Wagon
Goias, Brazil
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Posted: Saturday, December 10, 2011 - 09:06 PM UTC
Well Gents, this is my last project:
A double construction of two (of course...) Dragon Wagons:

One M26 standard armoured cabin Dragon Wagon Tamiya (tractor only):

One M26A1 "soft" cabin, using an old Trakz resin conversion kit in Tamiya´s complete (tractor and trailer) kit
and a Bronco´s midget sub Seehund as war booty!!!

See surgeries:

...the players:

...the mess:

...wrapped things ....

...the sub:

Well...see all steps (until now...) in my blog:
http://panzerserra.blogspot.com/The work is getting interesting!!!!!
Marcos Serra (Panzerserra)
Croatia Hrvatska
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Posted: Saturday, December 10, 2011 - 11:37 PM UTC
Oh boy, this is some serious business

Love the work so far, and the submarine is a great touch... I hope you have made some extra shelf space... I'll be watching this one
Florida, United States
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Posted: Sunday, December 11, 2011 - 01:43 AM UTC
Looks really nice so far. I don't think the torpedos would be still mounted on the sub for transport though.
Field Artillery --- The KING of BATTLE!!!
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." -- George Orwell
Goias, Brazil
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Posted: Sunday, December 11, 2011 - 04:56 AM UTC
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Oh boy, this is some serious business
Love the work so far, and the submarine is a great touch... I hope you have made some extra shelf space... I'll be watching this one
Hi, Bumblebee !!!
Thanks for the incentive !!!!
Stay tunning...more pics soon !!!
Marcos Serra (Panzerserra)
Goias, Brazil
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Posted: Sunday, December 11, 2011 - 05:02 AM UTC
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Looks really nice so far. I don't think the torpedos would be still mounted on the sub for transport though.
Yo´re wright, Gino !!!
These submarines were transported without weapons ....
In this case, the submarine was being transported to the study and exposition and not transported to military use ....it´s an "official souvenir"...
My idea is to add a few graffitis inscriptions in the torpedoes, such as: SAFE or INACTIVED
What do you think??
Thanks for the comments !!!
Marcos Serra (Panzerserra)
Florida, United States
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Posted: Sunday, December 11, 2011 - 12:38 PM UTC
That could work. It looks like the torpedos could interfere with the inner rear wheels on the trailer though. You may have to build a wooden cradle to support it on/ raise it up a bit.
Field Artillery --- The KING of BATTLE!!!
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." -- George Orwell
Goias, Brazil
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Posted: Sunday, December 11, 2011 - 08:23 PM UTC
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That could work. It looks like the torpedos could interfere with the inner rear wheels on the trailer though. You may have to build a wooden cradle to support it on/ raise it up a bit.
Exactly, Gino...and it was exactly what I did on Sunday!
See the pictures below: Starting the sub´s cradle:

Making the keel´s guide:

and testing this:

The cradle invades the wheels space. Cuts are needed:

And the cradle, after the wood-surgery and on the trailer (with wheels...):

We arrived at this stage: Notice in the photo that the best place for torpedoes really are in your own brackets ....

And Gino: Supported in the cradle, or the submarine nor the torpedo did not touch the wheels. The two of us we would be good engineers in WWII!!
It´s Good !!!
Cheers and all the best, Lads !!!
See you again, soon !!!
For more pics, see my blog:
Marcos Serra (Panzerserra)
Florida, United States
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Posted: Sunday, December 11, 2011 - 11:57 PM UTC
The cradle lookks good. Good job on it.
Field Artillery --- The KING of BATTLE!!!
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." -- George Orwell
Valencia, Spain / España
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Posted: Monday, December 12, 2011 - 02:53 AM UTC
Nice project again. Do you sleep?
I will follow your work with interest.
Regards. Pedro.
My Town
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Posted: Monday, December 12, 2011 - 04:54 AM UTC
outstanding progress on an interesting subject.
i watched a scale plastic figure crawl along the edge . . . of an exacto blade . . . that's my dream , it's my nightmare . . . . . . . crawling , slithering . . . . . along the edge . . . . . . of an exacto . . . . . blade . . . . and surviving
England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, December 12, 2011 - 05:20 AM UTC
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Looks really nice so far. I don't think the torpedos would be still mounted on the sub for transport though.

second that
Mitglied: East Mids Model Club Show: 24th March 2013
South Australia, Australia
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Posted: Monday, December 12, 2011 - 07:42 AM UTC
I doubt very much whether they would leave the torpedoes on either. The other thing to look at is the weight of the sub. I think it may be a bit over the rating of the trailer without the torpedoes and way over with them..

I think I may be getting too picky here...
You may be right, I may be crazy.
United States
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Posted: Monday, December 12, 2011 - 08:23 AM UTC
right weight. wrong weight. great project just the same. fun alternative to the typical trailer projects.
Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Monday, December 12, 2011 - 10:52 AM UTC
"The other thing to look at is the weight of the sub. I think it may be a bit over the rating of the trailer without the torpedoes and way over with them..

I think I may be getting too picky here...[/quote]
I agree that they would not transport this mini sub with the torpedoes still attached however, these transport vehicles could easily tow a Sherman tank which weighed in at ~34 tons. This particular Seehund displaced ~17 tons. A very easy lift for this type of vehicle.
New York, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 12, 2011 - 12:46 PM UTC
Man this is going to look awesome once finished, those trucks look super.
Happy Modeling,
It feels like bible camp…Only I’m not crying pretending I’m somewhere else.
Happy Modeling
New York, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 12, 2011 - 02:14 PM UTC
Very creative. These are going to be show-stoppers. Please keep us posted.
Justen Hanna
IPMSUSA #45680
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Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Monday, December 12, 2011 - 11:50 PM UTC
Building the dragon wagon and the Recovery version together ,superdetailing with resin conversions is a huge task to complete .
Model workmanship like this above is inspirational modelling .
Well done Marcos on your models so far.
Goias, Brazil
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Posted: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 - 12:42 AM UTC
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The cradle lookks good. Good job on it.
Thanks, Gino !!!
The work is in progress...
Marcos Serra (Panzerserra)
Goias, Brazil
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Posted: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 - 12:43 AM UTC
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Nice project again. Do you sleep?
I will follow your work with interest.
Regards. Pedro.
Hola, Pedro !!!!
Thanks for the incentive....
About sleep...eheheheheh...I´m Zoombie...
Feliz Navidad !!!!
Marcos Serra (Panzerserra)
Goias, Brazil
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Posted: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 - 12:44 AM UTC
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outstanding progress on an interesting subject.
Thanks, Ko...
All the best !!!
Marcos Serra (Panzerserra)
Goias, Brazil
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Posted: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 - 12:51 AM UTC
As I said, my idea is that this project would the midget submarine being captured for study or exposition...
Her torpedoes are reportedly unarmed and with the warheads inactived.
But, in my opinion, the best place for transportation of the torpedoes in this condition would be in its own brackets.
Spoils of war !!!
All the best !!!
Marcos Serra (Panzerserra)
Goias, Brazil
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Posted: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 - 01:15 AM UTC
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I doubt very much whether they would leave the torpedoes on either. The other thing to look at is the weight of the sub. I think it may be a bit over the rating of the trailer without the torpedoes and way over with them.. 
I think I may be getting too picky here...
In fact, Warren, about torpedoes ...
About the load, the weight of Seehund was17 tons, plus two G-7 torpedoes, each weighing 1.8 tons (with active warheads). Total weight: 20.6 tons.
The M15 trailer carrying capacity was 40 tons ...
No problem in this matter !!!
Although in War-time, details such as over-loading of material are easily forgotten ...
The need to make the frog jump!!!
And here's a picture of a blatant disregard with declared load capacities:

Merry X´mas and all the best !!!
Marcos Serra (Panzerserra)
Goias, Brazil
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Posted: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 - 01:17 AM UTC
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right weight. wrong weight. great project just the same. fun alternative to the typical trailer projects.
Thanks, Kathy !!!!
Big hug and take care !!!
Marcos Serra (Panzerserra)
Goias, Brazil
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Posted: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 - 01:19 AM UTC
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"The other thing to look at is the weight of the sub. I think it may be a bit over the rating of the trailer without the torpedoes and way over with them..
I think I may be getting too picky here...
I agree that they would not transport this mini sub with the torpedoes still attached however, these transport vehicles could easily tow a Sherman tank which weighed in at ~34 tons. This particular Seehund displaced ~17 tons. A very easy lift for this type of vehicle.
Indeed DaSilva....
Weight of submarine is no problem....
About torpedoes, see my opinion above !!!!
Thanks for following ... new stages, soon !!!!
Marcos Serra (Panzerserra)
Goias, Brazil
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Posted: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 - 01:20 AM UTC
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Man this is going to look awesome once finished, those trucks look super.
Happy Modeling,
Obrigado, Joe !!!
All the best and plastic-hugs !!!
Marcos Serra (Panzerserra)