Russ / Wayne;
Thank You for the quick return!
Sounds like "2 votes" for the Dragon Tarawa M4A2 kit with those welded hoods. That's encouraging as I have that kit on hand and now I won't have to try to get another into my already-full house right when SWMBO is putting her dainty foot down on further stash-growth!
Barring other voices saying strongly different, I'll go with the Tarawa kit.
Now for further advice to a panzer-guy...
You gents mentioned this "wading stack" - and I've seen some PTO pics showing same (The USMC version of the "Tauch-Panzer" LoL!) , and some build pics also showing these - both with boxy vent-hoods and with those seconded oil-drums apparently done up by some CB or ship-board engineers...
These look pretty cool, but my questions are A) "Did all or most Iwo Jima / 3rd Batt. USMC M4A2 sport these" (or am I pretty safe if I skip them)?, and B) "are there any good diagrams or drawings or even good pics available to show how they went together and attached" (so that maybe I can scratch them from sheet styrene and go from there, as versus trying to find the AM kit and get it in time for to do this build)?
Some other questions pop up:
Some pics show what appear to be nails welded around hatches to keep Japanese from attaching (magnetic?) bombs - the USMC "zimmerit"!. Are these appropriate for an Iwo Jima M4A2 early or mid tank from the 3rd Batt.? What about those wood planks (more USMC "zimmerit" LoL!) seen on some Shermans in PTO pics (and indeed provided on the Dragon "PTO" kit)? Were these fitted to any of those 3rd Batt. early / mid M4A2 with the welded hoods?
Regarding paint schemes: Did any of these Iwo 3rd Batt. M4A2 get any of those "fancy" tri-color paint schemes, or were they all pretty much monochrome "olive"? Any options reasonably available to me on painting?
ANY guidance and suggestions will be greatly appreciated!