I customer asked me to make him a Warsaw Ghetto scene of Jews hiding in a sewer while Germans searchd for them on the street above. I spent about 75 hours carving this from a large section of Balsa Foam, and am at a turning point. i asked the client if I could create a mold of this and add it to my product line, and he said fine. Now - before I spend about $300 on RTV and dental plaster to create this mold, I need to know if I will at least break even.... are there 6 people here who would pre-order this unit at a reduced price of $45 each?
This will be a VERY difficult and large mold to make, and will take almost two gallons of RTV Silicon to create, due to the way I built the kit. I was originally trying to reduce the number of seams and joins to make a better finished piece before I thought of adding it to ScaleMilitary.com.
If I know I can get enough sales to at least cover my costs at a special price, then I will make the mold, and will sell the kit to others for $69.95. Any takers - or should I just finish the kit and collect my money from the client? If interested, let me know! ([email protected])
Questions and comments welcome... and there are several more photos on my Gallery Page link: