Hi all
let me answer a few of the questions although most of the answers are available in the rules section
2011 DMOM contest rules The DMOM runs from January to November with the December contest being the Model of the year. The entries are recieved during the month say January and the voting done the Beginning of Feburary and so on.
Now it was decided back at the end of 2010 that the top 4 voted models every month would go through to the Model of the year, so 11 month x 4 models = 44 models in the Model of the year.
This is the first year we have tried this and in hind sight (a wonderful thing) 44 models may just be to many, but these are the models the readers have decided each month as there Models of the month so this year we have 44, for 2012 we may review it and take the top 2 each month, i will decide once i see how this months results are going.
I know it will be difficult to decide which is your Model of the year from the outstanding models available but these didnt win model of the month for no reason, this could mean we have some tie siturations and if this is the case the models that tie will go forward to a seperate vote to narrow it down until we get the three winners.
As to seperate categories sorry not going to happen, we have one contest that is sponsored by Dragon Models and that is currently the way it will stay, they supply the prizes and ship them directly to the winners once we give them the details for which i am very grateful for, on top of that the current set up take up most of my spare time to sort out and produce with out adding any extra work load.
I have currenty yet to finalise the 2012 rules, but this year i will be far stricter on the entries, with no figures,or decorated bases allowed I will allow models that are presented on a plain base (i.e. plain wooden or similar). I will continue to allow picture in picture but this will be limited to only one additional picture in the same frame as your main entry.
so good luck to all the entries