This was my first Russian armor build I have ever built. My goal was to depict a heavily-used/ rusty and dirty battle-worn T-34 on the Eastern Front. I scratch built the engine vents, tow cables, and the log tie-downs. I made the logs from two twigs from a bush in my backyard. Sadly, halfway through my build I lost the rearmost wheel (the small one which I think is the idler wheel) so I replaced it with a rear drive wheel from an old Stug IV model. I know this is probably incorrect, but I know that the Russians sometimes attached Panther wheels to their tanks, so I assumed/created an event where they took the idler wheel. If you have any questions about what I did for such and such effect, please ask. And ANY and ALL comments and constructive criticism and tips are welcome. Thank you for taking the time to read this and look at my photos. I will try to post more photos of it out in the sunlight tomorrow.
P.S. I do realize that the tread connections are visible, but I will be putting this in a diorama where the dirt/grass will cover them up.