dont forget to add in the additional light kits! If its Iraq version and its around 09. Our convoys ( Nighthawks) went out almost exclusively at night, so we had about a dozen additional lights all around the vehicle. They were 8 inch or so around, used for of road driving, but I cant remember the name of them. Every time I see a picture of a MaxxPro, it makes me want to go back and get into one again. Loved my time in em!

* I just noticed that the second picture has no lights! I am pretty sure that was a picture of the vehicle the day we took delivery from the unit we replaced. One truck had no lights on it, and our mechs had to install them. We added two to the turret somehow as well. Also worthy of note, on the top picture, is our towbar location. Its strapped up with ratchet straps, and SOP was to just cut them with your seatbelt cutter if you needed it.