I also still have my old Solido EBR! Bent barrel, one rubber tire, and all. My specimen does offer one a great opportunity to see real paint-chipping at scale!
This was one of my very early fav AFV - I'll be in line for the kit!
Couple of factoids about this... IIRC, the original design actually dates back to 1938 - 39... the engineers and bureau folks squirreled away all the draft design work and kept all their lips buttoned so those Germans never got wind of what would have been a rather advanced A/C! Development resumed in 1946, I think, with rapid run to production. Aside from the "drive from either end" provision similar to that seen in German 8-rads, this car offered a novel solution to on - versus off-road operation: those non-steering central all-metal wheels were slightly undersized and so the car travels smoothly and easily as a 4-wheeler on the pavement, but has sure-footedness in the rough! Less energy needed to move it (on road) and less wear n tear on complex suspensions such as on the 234 8-rad cars.
Less visible but rather cool is another technological novelty... the EBR is a mid-engine "sportscar"! It has its mo-mo right beneath the turret - a special flat "horizontally-opposed" engine that is about 8 US inches thick, IIRC! Probably a little hard to service unless one pulls that turret out, but...

Does make for a compact vehicle. That turret is also a pretty different approach, as all can see...
All in all, it IS French...
Way cool! I WANT one of these on my shelf!
PS: Would be nice to see some WWII French A/C, a new VAB, etc., etc., etc. But that's the XMAS wish-list

This one looks to be closer to a real bird-in-hand and I'll gladly take it. Others will come (maybe even that ugly little AMX-13 thing)!