It seems you guys are all having fun with your builds on here, so I thought I'd show you all what I'm doing on these cold Winter evenings....
I couldn't resist this kit when I saw it, even though I normally build aircraft. This has gotta be the kit of 2011, alongside Tamiya's 1/32 P-51??
I thought I'd start with the Trailer, as Milo is gonna be making some AM for the Tractor. Put me down for one of those Engines Milo!!
Here is all I've done so far..

There's 359 parts and a weeks work there!!
The suspension units are superb. They have springs in each unit, so will conform to any surface and will sag when weighted. They also swivel. The polished steel painted shocks are masked in these pics.

I ignored the HB recommended routings for the tubing and followed references found on the net. (Prime Portal). If you're building this kit, you need to add the tubing as you go. It would be near impossible to feed the tubes under the "Shockers" once built.
You'll notice I've added brass rods to the units for added strength. These will be fitted into additional plastic slugs glued into their mountings in the trailer bed.

It appears that HB allow you to steer the suspension units, right until the end when you fit the track rods, which should be glued in place. I want to position my units in any configuration, so I scratch built these track rods from brass, and added brass rod for the pivots. The white plastic rings were made with a punch from .020" card.They pop on, and are then fixed with a dab of super glue.

Thanks for looking,please leave your comments.