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Hi Bob,
Cheers for the feed back, that was sort of lines i was thinking along as you stated the german supply lines to north africa were never great. And I know if was me & I needed it I would have mounted it,I could mount a 3.7 but not sure when they came out!!! @:
IF you are thinking German 37mm flak in N. Africa... you have the Flak 36 (issued end of '36) or the Flak 36/37, which is the model '36 slightly modified to the new 1937 standard (a smallish number of 36 were retrofit-converted to 37 standard in 1937 - 38), or the Flak 37, which was the common-issue gun manufactured in the 1937 standard through 1942. The 36, 36/37, and 37 guns were all substantially the same in most details, and all served in N. Africa. In 1942, the costly, rather heavy 37 was dropped from production in favor of a new design, the Flak 43, which was cheaper, lighter, and fired faster. But this gun did not, I think, make it over to N. Africa.
So, if you are doing this Bedford conversion thing, a Flak 37 could be just your ticket! There are a few "stand-alone gun" kits out - I think Trumpeter and Tamiya make the 37, Bronco makes a 36, and maybe Italeri makes a 37? There are AM accessories and barrels for all. Again like the 2cm 30 and 38 guns of the previous discussion, these 3.7cm guns were initially towed guns on a specialized trailer (Sd.Ah. 52). The gun was dismounted from the trailer for deployment on it's attached base. This base and gun could have been muscled onto a larger truck (better with a crane, as this thing weighed in around 1600kg- hernia city!) and was used in "casual" flak truck conversions.
It WOULD look "more appropriately-sized" for the Bedford than would that rather tinier 2cm thing!