I am just getting back into painting 1/35 figures and vehicles and am trying to put together a set of shades that I will come back to often for representing the correct color of say a uniform or equipment piece or whatever.
I just got an assortment of Vallejo Model Colors, some that I picked from using the online PDF color chart and conversion from Tamiya XF series acrylics that I also use. The paints themselves are great so far with regard to consistency right out of the bottle for hand-brushing.
The only problem I have is I did need to buy online, which is not a problem by itself, but as you all know color chips/swatches online are not accurate. I mostly prefer to buy all paints I use in person but that is a tough one with some brands that are not stocked locally...
At least some of the Vallejo colors are not identical to the Tamiya for instance. An example would be Tamiya XF22 RLM Grey which references Vallejo 886 Green Grey 101. The Vallejo shade is much lighter, and perhaps not the same "Grey/Green" at all. For those of you who do not know, I used the chart that comes with the PDF on Vallejo's site which provides an equivilent Vallejo Model Color for Tamiya:
I end up mixing colors so often to get the shades I want anyway.
Does anyone have a specified shade to use for WWII German uniforms in the Vallejo Model Colors? Is there a site that has recommended shades for the basecoat colors of uniforms and equipment? As I said, I end up mixing my own shades very often to get the colors to look right to me. A good example here is when trying to match US Woodland or ERDL (Brown or Green Dominant), as I know I have never seen those colors sold in their respective bottles/shades...
Maybe half the fun is just using your artistic eye and making a good guess based on research...? Probably the way the paint suppliers would do it. Unless the info is supplied somewhere referencing the Federal Standard Colors used...
If someone has a better method of selecting paint colors online (without so much guesswork) let me know.