Hi, mates
just a few pics more for a quick update I liked to share. After having a better look to this pic

I decided to improve that section from this

to this new one

It was so tricky and everything would be easier if I had seen that photo before glueing all together, but now I've got and I'm pretty satisfied with it.
I saw Milo corrected the lower side of the bonnet, cutting off that slim edge, adding a new one from scratch.
It's a sort (I think) of bumper when the bonnet moves to closed position. Looking at this pic

it seems to me that has a semicircular shape and is empty inside.
So I decided to rework it.


I scratched that, starting from two double brass strips glued together and fixed to the lower edge

After two whole hours spending for that crying and fuc.... work, my honey just told me...."What did you do?? ...it's exactly how I saw it yesterday!!!!".......I like what others can see just only have watched at it....one, two, three times more
Your comments are really appreciated.