Back in 2006 I was commissioned by my girlfriend to build a replica of the truck she drove in 2003 when we first met. I just finally finished it earlier today (with the exception of the camo net). The truck went through several changes during the tour, and ended up with a Helmet hardtop right before she re-deployed. Her requirements- build the camo net version, make sure the little bobble head dog she had was on the dash, make sure the window stencils matched, and put her kevlar helmet in there somewhere. Simple enough. I also got to use up some PE parts that wouldn't have gotten used other wise. The tarp bows are purposely mismatched, and she had a radio, but no antenna

, just a base, so it matches exactly.
The original-


The little dog can be seen on the dash in this one-

All that's left is to add the camo net (I'll be using the Echelon stuff), some light weathering, and the window stencils. All that this weekend when I go on leave to visit her and finally fulfill my contract after 6 years