Hi guys,
Just getting back into the hobby after a six year absence. My LHS leaves a lot to be desired. I wanted to know what sites you guys are generally using for ordering paint, tools, kits, etc. I'm kind of asking this so I can avoid the sites that say they have something in stock and then notify you that they don't and you'll have to wait weeks to get it.
AFV Painting & Weathering
Answers to questions about the right paint scheme or tips for the right effect.
Answers to questions about the right paint scheme or tips for the right effect.
Hosted by Darren Baker, Matthew Toms
Supply websites?


Joined: February 20, 2012
KitMaker: 1 posts
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Posted: Monday, February 20, 2012 - 08:01 AM UTC


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Posted: Monday, February 20, 2012 - 08:14 AM UTC
Good service, real time inventory, located in central US, so shipping only takes a few days typically. They're having a sale today FYI.
Good service, real time inventory, located in central US, so shipping only takes a few days typically. They're having a sale today FYI.


Joined: June 06, 2006
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Posted: Monday, February 20, 2012 - 08:15 AM UTC


Joined: December 08, 2005
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Posted: Monday, February 20, 2012 - 08:55 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Hi guys,
Just getting back into the hobby after a six year absence. My LHS leaves a lot to be desired. I wanted to know what sites you guys are generally using for ordering paint, tools, kits, etc. I'm kind of asking this so I can avoid the sites that say they have something in stock and then notify you that they don't and you'll have to wait weeks to get it.
Do you have Microsoft Excel? I have all the sites that I use with links on an Excel spreadsheet. I call it my kit price comparison file and I use it to keep track of prices on the different websites when I'm shopping for a particular kit. It lists quite a few US sites, but also Canadian, Japanese and CHinese. The sites that are listed are generally accurate when they say they have something in stock.
If anyone would like, I can email it to them. It's some got some formatting on it that will highlight the lowerst and highest price. Just drop me a note if you'd like a copy.
[email protected]
Posted: Monday, February 20, 2012 - 09:27 AM UTC
Here are some that I use the most:
www.squadron.com www.hlj.com www.luckymodel.com
There are many overseas advertisers here on Armorama that are trustworthy. I've used the www.plastic-models-store.com
and www.hobbyterra.com for hard to get Eastern European kits.
www.squadron.com www.hlj.com www.luckymodel.com
There are many overseas advertisers here on Armorama that are trustworthy. I've used the www.plastic-models-store.com
and www.hobbyterra.com for hard to get Eastern European kits.


Joined: February 11, 2011
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Posted: Monday, February 20, 2012 - 01:19 PM UTC
I just placed another order with www.Sprubrothers.com I have been very happy with them.I also do buisness with www.scalehobbyist.com,and am very happy with them also.They both have great customer service and are easy to deal with.Jeff
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