I have been busy with family, work and a house move but am now back at the bench and intending on getting stuck into a little group build.
I thought I might try my first blog because I am one of those modellers who starts a lot of things but I don't seem to finish them off... I hope you will all keep me honest and focused!
I have loved the Pz.III for a long time but my old Tamiya ones left a lot to be desired (by that I mean my skills rather than the kit). Since then I have hopefully developed some of my skills and from the reviews that I have read, it would seem that Dragon have developed the art of plastic panzers to a new level too.
My recent projects have all had 3-tone camo and I really wanted a change. I also wanted to try out some new skills like colour modulation and a few weathering tricks I have read on this forum, so I felt it was time to return to the Pz.III and some one-tone camo to see what I can do.
Having never built a Dragon kit before, I have decided to jump in the deep end with 2 at once. I will be building the Panzer III J 2-in-1 kit and also the Cyber Hobby Panzer III L.Tp.
The L.Tp is being entered in the "Dragon OOB" Campaign so will be built straight out of the box. The J however will have a touch of bling, with some Aber barrels and Fruil tracks.
Along the way I will try to highlight the (seemingly few) differences between these kits and will get to practice painting the J in Grey and the L.Tp in DAK regalia.
Anyway, here we go with 2 boxes of loveliness! Will read the instructions thoroughly tonight and decide where to start (I rarely start at the beginning!).