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MOST IMPORTANT our expert always stresses that resin is hazardous. When working with a resin model it is always important to take some basic precautions, especially when sanding the model. Inhaling resin dust is hazardous but with the proper precautions, these risks can be eliminated. It is recommended that you wear a filter mask and safety goggles while sanding and that all sanding be done on wet sandpaper to reduce the amount of resin dust. If you experience any health concerns, it is advised that you contact a physician immediately. Just do a Google search on the subject and you'll get loads of info.
Old modelers' tale.
Cured resin dust is inert. It is not carcenogenic. It's an irratant like any fine dust and is no more hazardous than very fine plastic dust, saw dust or the incessant dust that covers our models on the shelves. House dust is probably worse, since there are people with allergies to it. Resin dust is messy and light. In large, industrial levels, as with most fine dusts in large concemntrations, it can easily combust. Some uncred resins can be seriously problematic healthwise, but by the time you get it, you really need no more precautions than with any fine particulate matter.
You probably need eye protection more when cutting PE than when sanding resin. If you have complromised breathing already, you shuold take eral precautinos. As to wet sanding, well tha makes for easier clean up afterwards.