The turret system was designed for the M1167 HMMWV TOW Carrier to provide armored protection for the crew while firing the TOW/ITAS missile system. I have two different albums on my website that has detailed photos...
This first album are Department of Defense development photos that show the XM1167 test vehicle that was type classified as the now operational M1167 HMMWV TOW Carrier. second album contains pictures that I took of an M1167 TOW Carrier that belongs to the Arkansas Army National Guard. Humvee's became 'obsolete' in both combat theaters and no longer allowed on operational missions, unit commanders still wanted the TOW missile capability so the M1167 HMMWV turrets were installed on vehicles going 'outside the wire' such as the MRAP's.
Again, turrets are the same...only the vehicle is different. Notice the turret panels that are labeled to be lowered prior to missile system firing.