Thanks Bill for another fine book review. Whilst I am not a big German Armour fan you did pique my interest. Enough that I looked up Oliver Publishing to see what else they had. I think they will make an excellent accompaniment book for peoples library's. You could use your main reference material then cross reference when details such as Units are lacking. It would open up a whole new world of possibilities.
At 50 Euro it is over priced and looks as if someone is making a major mark up. Just converting AU$27.95 to Euro works out to be 22.12 at the current exchange. Even taking into account import taxes, freight etc. Even with our high dollar the price to US is only US$29.28.
If anyone is interested Viceroy Books has the Oliver Publishing series on special at the moment for AU$23.95 and they mail OS.
Viceroy Books Cheers, John