
Shot at 2012-03-03

Shot at 2012-03-03
First step - Surfacer 1200 and Vallejo Sand:

Shot at 2012-03-03

Shot at 2012-03-03
Next two colours Vallejo Brown and Vallejo Green:

Shot at 2012-03-17

Shot at 2012-03-17
I exchange original Shutzen to my own build. I use lid for empty butter container:

Shot at 2012-03-18

Shot at 2012-03-19

Shot at 2012-03-19
Different is big:

Shot at 2012-03-18
Sidolux and decals from 21 panzer Division:

Shot at 2012-03-26

Shot at 2012-03-26

Shot at 2012-03-26

Shot at 2012-03-26