Hi Alan,
I too would like to see more things available for WWI, given that the centennial is fast approaching. Vehicles are fine, but the horse was ubiquitous. Nearly all field artillery close to the front was horse drawn, and ammunition and supplies were carried forward on mules.
I'd like to see a greater variety of figures too: - French, French colonials, Foreign Legion, British Commonwealth, Aussies, Indians, Canadians. Not just standing in trenches but laying barbed wire, stringing field telephone wire, stretcher bearers, that sort of activity.
Equipment too. We see lots of Vickers and Lewis guns, but rarely a Hotchkiss, and never the wretched Chauchat machine rifle supplied by the French to US forces. Plenty of Lee-Enfields but never a Canadian Ross, superbly accurate but useless in the mud.
Someone suggested an observation balloon. It might be hard to reproduce that at 1/35, but it could be done with the ground crew, complete with winch.
And going really far out, I'd love to lay my hands on a model of the Paris Gun! Lots to think about.