I have a scene in mind with the ChTZ S-65 tractor towing the sFH 18 through a field and I wanted to include a farmers tractor. Now I found out there are some differences between the old timey Western europe tractors and the Soviet tractors. Which means pretty much all the available tractors in 1:35 are not really right for the setting I have in mind. And therefor I thought I might give scratchbuilding one a shot. And I set my eye on the BT3 Universal 2. See pic below

I have found quite a good walkaround of it but I'm stuck on dimensions. Does anybody know of drawings of this vehicle from which I can gather dimensions? Or maybe someone knows the dimensions. That would also be good. I need a starting point from which I can calculate all the parts to 1:35
Looking forward to any reply. Hopefully there is somebody around here who knows a thing or two about these vehicles.
With friendly greetz
Robert Blokker