A very nice set of figures for the 25pdr. I have no problem with the offier figure, in fact I'm glad he is included.
As the Bronco 25 pdr can be built as either an early or late gun it would be nice to see a crew for N Africia as well, although it is possible either Tamiya or DML might release their NA crews as separate kits!
The new developments in artillery are excellent and providing crews is a major plus. Now all we need is for one of the manufacturers to take that extra step and provide some new towing vehicles too. A new FAT would be good although you can still get the Italeria Chevy Gun Tractor which is a nice kit despite its age. Secretly I'm hoping for a QLB to tow the Bofors and it would be good to see some British Search Lights and Range finding equipment at some point in the future.
T'is an excellent time to be modelling British/Commonwealth Subjects.