I apologise in advance as there may be gaps between building sessions as the times between modelling session are sometimes quite sparse
Any comments/suggestions/ideas are welcome
Hope u find it interesting

Box art

Quite a range of sprues within this kit

progress after a few sessions. The individual link tracks are not my type of thing i much prefer link and length but after much perseverance i finally got the tracks on only to find they where the wrong way. After much swearing and painstakingly removeing the tracks they have now been corrected. Any damage to the tracks during this will have to be hidden with a bit of weathering

i have an offcut of mdf in my stash so this will be the base for this. However i have not thought of a scene in which to depict this yet im thinking somewhere in berlin 1945. Any ideas as suggestions to this would help.

lower hull interior undercoated ready to be painted with the beginnings of the turret

turret interior still looking quite sparse any ideas for what to detail the iterior a little more with?

parts just dry fitted to get a better idea of this vehicle
i will try to keep this updated as i can