This is just a little vignette I had finished a while ago, I have no figure that is suitable for it and I have no sculpting skill. I decided to put this vignette together after having seen a picture of this chariot in a book. It was designed to make it easier to move the browning 50 cal from one position to another, as most of the fighting during the civil war was done from within buildings they moved the heavier weapons from window to window. It was an interesting read. As I wanted it to be a quick build I did not build the wall and window behind the sand bag and drum wall.
The chariot was scratch built using pieces from the spare box, everything was painted with Tamiya acrylics. Valehjo pigments were used to weather the base.
Sorry if chariot is the incorrect name, but that’s what they called it in the book I read about the Lebanese civil war (it was in French).
Do let me know what you think, I am still rather new at weathering so I hope it’s not too bad.