So to that end, the diorama will be a German officer and a friend having a good time in a Paris cafe about to get their due. The diorama will be circular with a rotating base so that one side will say, "Occupation" and show the Germans having a good time, and the other side will say, "Resistance" and show the defiant waiter.
Some reference pics below
My first problem was the waiter. I searched and searched for a waiter figure but just could not find one. So I ended up sculpting one. He's nothing special, but given my incompetence at sculpting, he'll have to serve (no pun intended). I have yet to add his arms, but you get the idea. He will be holding platter with glasses over his shoulder and a surprise with the other hand.
Pics of my waiter in progress
Here is the officer that I plan to use. He is from the excellent Miniart set.
I will put a Hornet head on him, but as far as capturing the mood is pretty much perfect.
So that's it for now. Hope there's interest in my small build. Please feel free to post questions, comments, encouragement, or constructive criticism.