I have been working on this diorama from the arab uprising againt the brutal regime in Syria. This is my first diorama, that i have scratchbuilt (not the figures and tank. So I am still a beginner in that sense.
I have called this diorama "The suburbs of Damascus 2012".
The tank represents the regimes army, while the figures represent rebels from the free syrian army.
I started out with putting a T-72 tank (T-72M1 from Tamiya) with the diorama, but it seems to be to big for the diorama, so now I am assembling a Shilka (ZSU-23-4V1 from Dragon) instead.
I am not done with it, so comments, suggestions and critics are highly appriciated.
If you have questions about how some of the part are done, please also let me know. I have taken some pictures of some of it while creating it.
Sorry for any typos.
Best regards