My dearest fellow modelers,
I'm not named General Faillure without reason. I suggest to you a quick and dirty campaign, for ALL to join in. Nah, not a real modeling campaign. But I'm sure many will join in.
In a few days, many of us start to work at the exciting Market Garden Campaign. But even if you don't do Market Garden, this may be something for you.
If your modeling table looks any bit like mine does at this moment, you really NEED to join us in the Big General Faillure Halloween Modeling Table Cleanup Extravaganza !
(At this point I can't resist copying a few fellow modelers' pictures from another forum thread here )

Since organizing campaigns is subject to specific rules I don't want to break, I'll babtize this an Extravaganza instead. These are the rules :
Timing : this upcoming weekend : 25 and 26 October 2003
Specifics :
- discard all rubbish and loose ends, shavings and sandings, cuttings, leftovers... from your work area
- everything that belongs in boxes, should be placed inside those boxes, and the boxes on the shelf where they belong
- put some order in your kits, in your paint jars,...
- completely empty your working table, and clean it. (at this point you may want to make sure your wife is an accidental witness to what you are doing ! )
- empty your modeling table garbage bin (if you don't already have one this may be a good moment to consider installing one)
- replace old knife blades, sharpen them, replace old brushes, clean brushes, give your airbrush a thorough cleaning
- you may also want to use the opportunity to install a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit near your work area
- make sure your wife knows what you have done. You can remind her the coming twelve or so years when she complains about your modeling area.
- get a roll of fresh kitchen towel or tissues, dust everything, air the room for a day or so to get rid of those lingering paint smells
- vacuum the room (or have it vacuumed by the first curious family member who is attracted by the stumbling noises in your work area)
- sharpen your pencils, discard pens and markers that are dried up
- check your stocks : do you have the glues, the paints and the tools you need to start a new campaign ?
- do whatever else you thing that may be useful to improve your working area
Rewards : Since this is not a campaign : no ribbon. But maybe Jim is willing to add a small garbage can in your profile if you join in.
Proof : if you can take before and after pics, that would be nice. But if you don't have a camera, you're just as welcome to join in. All you need to do is commit your name in a reply here below. And if you have any good ideas how to improve the work area with fellow modelers, please POST THEM HERE !!!
Who's joining ???