Back in November of last year I did a build review of the then new Dragon Armoured 4X4 trucks.

If you missed it you can find it HERE. One jeep was fully constructed for the Review and the other partly so. When possible I like to do as much of a build so that I can relay how a kit will go together and then have it available in a timely manner. From the many comments in the past, people have told me they prefer this to a plain In-Box type without any construction. Unfortunately what has happened is that I've fallen behind in finishing up some of these builds. It's my intention with this post to start finishing some of these outstanding builds.

As the timing was appropriate I was able to enter these "Jeeps" in the Technical Campaign. Anyone that took part in it will have seen updates of the progress. With the campaign ending I thought that I'd post in this forum.
First off is a couple of pictures of the .50 cal. Jeep with painting almost finished, decals applied and a couple coats of matt varnish.

For the campaign I resumed work on the second jeep and the first part of that was to get the armoured shield bent and fitted.

I had a few more problems with bending this second shield as I'd forgotten how I did the first.

That's about it for now but any comments or questions are always welcome.
