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Common Tow Cables for Tamiya JS-2
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Ontario, Canada
Joined: February 04, 2009
KitMaker: 743 posts
Armorama: 549 posts
Posted: Saturday, May 26, 2012 - 01:11 AM UTC
Hi Guys,

I am looking into purchasing a Tow Cable set for my Tamiya JS-2 and was wondering what was the most common type used on these Tanks?

I am looking at some cables from Eureka and it seems that their tow cable heads that closely match those in the kit are in set ER3510. I have a reference photo of an earlier JS2 (no gun travel lock on rear) and it has what looks like a set that closely resembles ER3541. Finally, I have seen some models with ER3509 KV-1 style tow cables.

Any assistance here would be much appreciated.
