I recently brought the Tamiya Challenger 2 operation Telic 1/35 model...This is my 2nd tank ever, the last was a tiger 1 i did 10 years ago. Learned a lot since then wth aid of the internet.
I have spent the last few days trawling though this site and many others for a solution to the non slip surface...
I have seen great effects by using Rustoleum Teracotta, but hae not been able to locate any in the uk..Finally I have found something for for those of us unable to get hold of rustoleum, it it a product called PLASTIKOTE and it comes in teracotta, it also comes in a finish called Velvet Touch..
Not being sure of the finish of either of these I managed to track down a couple pics of another site of the effect on an amoured model. Just click on the 2 links below...
Its not an easy product to find in the Uk so im going to include a link to the cheapest I could find...
They come in 4 colours too:)
I really hope this helps people out there struggling as I have..
Just want to say a big thank you to those of you that have put your Tamiya Chally 2 builds on here, you hacve all been a huge sourse of infomation, tips and inspiration... Some amazing work on this site, i hope i will do justice with my own
Ive also have the voyeger pe set on order...
Not replacing the barrel just spent the last of my cash on paints, lol..ill try to scratch build detail into the barrell end sight.
Ive ordered all my paints too having gone for Revell in the end ~( its a tough paint and easy to use i find, as well as being great value) im currently using it on two aircraft models and like how it goes on...
Soon as im ready to start ill be posting a build

keep a look out and we will see the results of using PLASTIKOTE Velet Touch on my own work...Fingers crossed:)