Thank you guys for your replies,
Matt, the tracks where weathered with MIG pigments. As a base I used a lighter earth tone, I think it was "europe dust" or something like that. I fixed the pigments with pigment fixer from MIg and used a darker pigment for the center of the tracks. After that I used AK´s "Wet Effect Fluid" to give the center of the track more "drama"
After this treatment I used abrasive paper (right translation?) to polish the friul tracks and give them some shine. I hope you get what I mean?
Mauro, thank you very much for your commet, I really appreciate it! For the painting I used GUNZE colors Nr. H65, H422, H312 and H50. They are very similar to the color modulation set from AK for russian vehicles (with the BT-7 from MIG on the cover)
After basic painting the whole model got a light rust wash to "unite" the different color shades. After that various washes (dark dust, light dust etc.) where applied on different places to give the model more contrast.
I know what you mean with the color Mauro. I´m aware that my color most probably is not correct but I have chosen it because I simply like it and it brings out deatils and is a good base for effects and weathering. I have some original colors from AKAN with the original tones for specific vehicles. Let me tell you, that If I use them on 1/35 models it looks sometimes really SHI&$! Too dark, and in my opinion taht kills a model and all it´s effects. On the other hand I also believe that, even if there was a paint code, I´m sure there where various shades of 4BO, from dark to light, from olive to green etc.
I hope you get what I mean? It´s someway a compromise between accuracy and effects on models. But anyway, I really appreciate your comments and thanks for the good words my friend.
All the best,