Jose you should keep in mind that the mig production conversion also misses the smoke dischargers and as far as i know a few other things which belongs to the turret.
Model point produces an barrel For the T-62 with the thermal sleeve but in Germany it's almost impossible to buy maybe it's similar in the rest of europe.
I think its a bit unlucky the mig made this t-62 conversion as an ver special taliban variant and not as an normal t-62m, then everybody could decide how worn out it should look and now when the t-62m from trumpeter is availeble the mig conversion lost a lot of it's attraction, also because of it's shortcomings but this is just my opinion.
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Russian or Soviet vehicles/armor modeling forum.
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T-62 M or M1


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Posted: Monday, June 11, 2012 - 12:49 PM UTC


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Posted: Monday, June 11, 2012 - 12:46 PM UTC
John the mig version is not too bad, but my set the turret was a tad bit too small. It had some shrinkage in it and a new was replaced by mig. The details are pretty good, but seem to be a bit soft in some areas, I had to rebuild the belly armor since none the holes ligned up with the drain plugs. I can't say anything about the legend set since I haven't built any of them yet.
I do have to say if anyone plans to build a true M1 version you need to add the second shock asorber to the number 2 road wheel. All of them had it inplace due to the added weight of the new armor package on the hull.
I do have to say if anyone plans to build a true M1 version you need to add the second shock asorber to the number 2 road wheel. All of them had it inplace due to the added weight of the new armor package on the hull.


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Posted: Monday, June 11, 2012 - 11:36 AM UTC
It was a great match, Balotelli missed a goal so did Torres.
Fair result.
Great pics for the Trumpeter's T-62 that are coming out, how's the MIG conversion ? or the Legend's ?
Fair result.

Great pics for the Trumpeter's T-62 that are coming out, how's the MIG conversion ? or the Legend's ?


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Posted: Monday, June 11, 2012 - 07:22 AM UTC
Thanks to all.
PS: Yes Mauro, you are very near to win, in first part of the match.
PS: Yes Mauro, you are very near to win, in first part of the match.


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Posted: Monday, June 11, 2012 - 07:08 AM UTC
Found in A-stan boneyard:
In service:

In service:


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Posted: Monday, June 11, 2012 - 07:05 AM UTC
Here a Russian thread about a T-62M in Aghan war

Is plenty of interesting pics and links...but you'll have to use Goggle translator
(a good draw yesterday...we were close to win

Is plenty of interesting pics and links...but you'll have to use Goggle translator

(a good draw yesterday...we were close to win


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Posted: Monday, June 11, 2012 - 06:25 AM UTC
Thank you very much Chris.
Possible I will use the photo 267 like inspiration. I have the doubt about the theral sleeve, but posibly I will made con my model.
Also I see that the vehicle hasn´t marks of unit or ID numbers....I'll see if I put one or get left with nothing.
Possible I will use the photo 267 like inspiration. I have the doubt about the theral sleeve, but posibly I will made con my model.
Also I see that the vehicle hasn´t marks of unit or ID numbers....I'll see if I put one or get left with nothing.


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Posted: Monday, June 11, 2012 - 03:41 AM UTC
Jose I believe the last photo is afghan, It’s hard to tell, but it looks like it’s been repainted in strange afghan colors.
As far as the thermal sleeve goes, you can have it on or off, it’s really up to you. I’ve seen pictures of them both used in astan.
Here is a picture of a BMP-1P with anti-radiation layer and it clearly shows overall green. It really depends on how long it has been in service and climate, but it can fade to a lighter sometimes off green color. Remember the stuff is made from composites and not metal, so it would fade differently from the rest of the tank.
As far as the thermal sleeve goes, you can have it on or off, it’s really up to you. I’ve seen pictures of them both used in astan.
Here is a picture of a BMP-1P with anti-radiation layer and it clearly shows overall green. It really depends on how long it has been in service and climate, but it can fade to a lighter sometimes off green color. Remember the stuff is made from composites and not metal, so it would fade differently from the rest of the tank.


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Posted: Monday, June 11, 2012 - 02:02 AM UTC
I found this other picture, and appears to be clearly anti-radiation layer.
What I am not sure if this vehicle is Soviet or had already been handed over to the Afghans.
What I am not sure if this vehicle is Soviet or had already been handed over to the Afghans.


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Posted: Sunday, June 10, 2012 - 08:39 PM UTC
kruppw, thanks for your great explanation. Sorry if I took so long to answer, but yesterday I was watching soccer....and posibly Mauro
I guess, when you talk about the photo 267, you mean what I indicated in red.
Indeed, it is hard to see.
Then the anti-radiation layer was possible in a vehicle deployed in Afghanistan, sadley does not have the same certainty with the color scheme. I guess I will paint it in rusian green overall.
By the way, I see in the picture, the tank also carries the barrel thermal sleeve, I guess this would also be possible to be dismantled and the model without it.

I guess, when you talk about the photo 267, you mean what I indicated in red.

Indeed, it is hard to see.
Then the anti-radiation layer was possible in a vehicle deployed in Afghanistan, sadley does not have the same certainty with the color scheme. I guess I will paint it in rusian green overall.
By the way, I see in the picture, the tank also carries the barrel thermal sleeve, I guess this would also be possible to be dismantled and the model without it.


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Posted: Sunday, June 10, 2012 - 04:02 AM UTC
The main reason why you can not find a lot of photos of T-62 with the anti-radiation layer is that the stuff was suppose to be remove at the depots when they arrived in Afghanistan. Few did slip through either out careless or simply by that late stage in the war, the Russian didn’t really care.
If you look at photo number 267 that Mauro posted, you can see one of the crew members sitting on mid turret. Also there is some on the TC hatch, just hard to see. Here are the only 2 photos I have that show true Russian t-62 with the layer.
Most of the T-62m series were meant to be stationed in east Germany. The layer was to protect the crew from the nuclear blast from nato’s perishing missiles. With the heavy loses in armor in astan, they diverted a lot of supplies to there instead.
The main reason why you can not find a lot of photos of T-62 with the anti-radiation layer is that the stuff was suppose to be remove at the depots when they arrived in Afghanistan. Few did slip through either out careless or simply by that late stage in the war, the Russian didn’t really care.
If you look at photo number 267 that Mauro posted, you can see one of the crew members sitting on mid turret. Also there is some on the TC hatch, just hard to see. Here are the only 2 photos I have that show true Russian t-62 with the layer.

Most of the T-62m series were meant to be stationed in east Germany. The layer was to protect the crew from the nuclear blast from nato’s perishing missiles. With the heavy loses in armor in astan, they diverted a lot of supplies to there instead.


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Posted: Saturday, June 09, 2012 - 11:10 PM UTC
Here some walkarounds
about the pics try to look also here
and here
Here you can find some exemplars with anti radiation cladding
try to look also here
Otherwise you cal also look for pic using as a keyword for your research the term "Afghan war" Transaled in Russian
Aфганская война
about the pics try to look also here
and here
Here you can find some exemplars with anti radiation cladding
try to look also here
Otherwise you cal also look for pic using as a keyword for your research the term "Afghan war" Transaled in Russian
Aфганская война


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Posted: Saturday, June 09, 2012 - 11:00 PM UTC
Mauro, thank you very much for your answer.
The photos are very useful for me, especially on the issue of improvised protections.
My biggest problem is the antirradiation armor of the turret, I not seen in any of your photos and I'm sure that I've seen photos of this vehicle deployed in Afghanistan, but can´t I find these photos.
About the color scheme, in fact, Russian green must be the choice, but I also remember seeing painted with light gray spots or light sand Thank you very much.
The photos are very useful to me, especially on the issue of improvised protections.
My biggest problem is on the protection antiradiaccion of the tower, not seen in any of the photos and I'm sure I've seen on a photo of vehicles deployed in Afghanistan, but I find these photos.
About the color scheme, in fact, Russian is the green choice, but also remember seeing a car painted with light gray spots or light sand, and certainly were T-62. My intention was to make a vehicle with these features, but the issue of the antiradiaccion shield brings me a lot of doubts.
The photos are very useful for me, especially on the issue of improvised protections.
My biggest problem is the antirradiation armor of the turret, I not seen in any of your photos and I'm sure that I've seen photos of this vehicle deployed in Afghanistan, but can´t I find these photos.
About the color scheme, in fact, Russian green must be the choice, but I also remember seeing painted with light gray spots or light sand Thank you very much.
The photos are very useful to me, especially on the issue of improvised protections.
My biggest problem is on the protection antiradiaccion of the tower, not seen in any of the photos and I'm sure I've seen on a photo of vehicles deployed in Afghanistan, but I find these photos.
About the color scheme, in fact, Russian is the green choice, but also remember seeing a car painted with light gray spots or light sand, and certainly were T-62. My intention was to make a vehicle with these features, but the issue of the antiradiaccion shield brings me a lot of doubts.


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Posted: Saturday, June 09, 2012 - 10:37 PM UTC

as far as I know Russian tanks in Afghanistan were painted in Russian green, there were any particular camo scheme
Anyway i've seen some drawings were they seem to have a 2 tones camo

(The drawing above)
As you can see additional armours were made using spare or damaged track links, or a standard grill which is still used

If you look for information using internet, I advse you to use the Russian nomenclature
It can allow you to get far more results :
Т-62М Афганистане
Ps...Good luck for the match...I really hope that the stronger team in the end won't win



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Posted: Saturday, June 09, 2012 - 10:24 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Google "T-62M".
Thank you.
Unfortunately, I've searched on Google and I haven´t found the information that I seek on the use of this vehicle in Afghanistan, nor the photos I'd like to get.


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Posted: Saturday, June 09, 2012 - 10:11 PM UTC
Google "T-62M".


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Posted: Saturday, June 09, 2012 - 09:45 PM UTC
Good morning.
First of all apologize for my terrible English and greet people on the forum, since it is the first time participating.
My questions has to do with the T-62 M or M1 (MIG Productions kit´s) with antiradiation armor was used by the Soviet Army during the occupation of Afghanistan. And if the answer is yes, find out which scheme was painted.
I also would be helpful to find a real photo of the tank on the ground.
Could carry additional protections made with bars? ...... Which are similar to the SLAT armor.
And if the answer also is yes, ask if these protections were improvised and placed in the units or kits that was prefabricated and ready to install.
Thanks for everything. By the way, I can not forget to congratulate you for your great work.
Best Regards.
First of all apologize for my terrible English and greet people on the forum, since it is the first time participating.
My questions has to do with the T-62 M or M1 (MIG Productions kit´s) with antiradiation armor was used by the Soviet Army during the occupation of Afghanistan. And if the answer is yes, find out which scheme was painted.
I also would be helpful to find a real photo of the tank on the ground.
Could carry additional protections made with bars? ...... Which are similar to the SLAT armor.
And if the answer also is yes, ask if these protections were improvised and placed in the units or kits that was prefabricated and ready to install.
Thanks for everything. By the way, I can not forget to congratulate you for your great work.
Best Regards.
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