well it has been a long time since I spent some time on the shop van. I've been building a couple of Aircraft for some Vets and managed to get one finished, the other I've lost motivation to work on it at the moment. So I decided to do some work on the truck. Gosh there is a lot of PE for this cab, it really puts my glasses to work. I'm working off pictures and memory of what our truck looked like compared to the pics I've found on the web. I think I'll go with a tan dash with a green gauge cluster. The interior will be tan and heavily weathered. When I had this truck it was during its last couple years of active duty. It probably had not been painted since Desert Storm.
I opened up the vents that allow air into the floor of the cab. I think I'll add some mesh on the inside after paint. I want to have the windshields slightly open so i trimmed out the frame for the glass. Had to be real careful filing this, the center support gets real thin without the glass frame.
the doors get the PE treatment as well. I think I want to have the driver door left open and maybe have the windows not rolled all the way up, not sure yet.
Here is a shot of the real Real Model engine. I've had to cut a lot resin off and still have more cutting to do.
here is the real model hood, It will be positioned leaned back against the cab. That hood prop was lost long before I had the Truck
Thanks for looking, and any ideas or suggestions are welcome.