Currently nearing building up this kit, picked it up and this being the first Trumpeter kit Ive built, I am fairly impressed with the fit and engineering overall. Only comment I can make to add to this review is that in my experience so far, the fit on the main gun casement to the upper hull is a bit tight. Mine required a bit of sanding both of the top edge of the casement and piece of the main roof over it. Also would add the spare fuel tanks the fit of the outer ends of the drums themselves is a bit loose and despite several efforts, I personally could not get them to go to together without a slight gap around the edge of the retaining straps. ( This isnt really a problem for my build because I was planning on omitting them anyhow because I have yet to find a reference photo showing them actually mounted on a combat vehicle. ) Also the fit of the turned metal barrel is significantly looser then the plastic alternative, so a word of caution there.
However all in all those really are minor complaints to an overall enjoyable build. And I am personally very glad to finally see an SU-152 in kit form.